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YouTube has evolved from a video sharing site to a multi-billion social media giant. The content that YouTube offers is universal and easy to access. In the midst of every video, there is outstanding personalities that manage to gain fame. The profit made from YouTube is split between YouTube, the advertising companies, and personalities who produce original content.

Here is the story of one of YouTube's unique personalities:


After seeing other beauty blogs to keep up with trends, Zoe decided to start her own in 2009. Zoella has grown tremendously throughout the years and she has also created MoreZoella for additional content. Not only does she specialize in beauty but she also creates content based on her life so far and fashion. Her channel gave her the opportunity to produce successful novels and a beauty line.

Her beauty line features a wide range of products. From bath bombs to moisturizer, Zoe offers a beauty item for everyone at an affordable price. Her "Girl Online" trilogy is perfect for teenagers reading about romance.

Her success has lead her to make £50,000 a month and it doesn't hurt that she shares a £1 million mansion with her boyfriend. This is highly impressive as she is only 26 years old. People typically her age are still trying to pay off student loans, etc.

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